Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Emerge - Lion portrait completed.

I managed to get this painting finished today which I'm rather pleased about. That means I've done a painting for each month so far this year. Quite a bit quicker than I usually am. I need to get more done for the exhibitions I want to enter this year. It's thinking of what to paint next thats the biggest problem.


Nat said...


Came looking for the pics you took at Rotherham at the weekend but this is amazing!

Toni-Marie Hudson said...

Oooh, thanks. I wasn't expecting anyone to comment on this now..been too long.

I took a few marquee pics for Andy at the weekend and a few of Steves dog Polly who was festering around with her toy...bless...but I didn't get much otherwise except some sneaky pics I snapped of purebred dogs other than BCs which always come in handy for reference material...oh Kath took a few of Sleet and Wren doing tricks with me. I'll post a few of what I did get.